How To Avoid Social Media Burnout

How To Avoid Social Media Burnout

Managing social media profiles for your business can be overwhelming to say the least – the pressure to post regularly, post relevant content, use the right platforms and engage your audience is intense. As is the feeling that you need to respond to people’s messages,...
Is Email Marketing Still Important?

Is Email Marketing Still Important?

How many promotional emails do you receive? I have 4 email addresses that I use and between them I estimate I receive about 60 advertising emails per day. Yep, 60, minimum. Looked at over a week, that is huge. I have to say that most of them I don’t even look at, just...
My Top 5 Favourite Books For Business Inspiration

My Top 5 Favourite Books For Business Inspiration

I read a lot of books. I used to work in book publishing, and reading manuscripts and newly published books was part of my job. Sadly I no longer get books for free (unless I borrow them from the library!) but I do still love reading. I read mostly fiction, as it’s my...